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The Benefits of Running Microsoft SQL Server on Linux

In recent years, Microsoft has made a significant stride in expanding the accessibility of its flagship database management system, SQL Server. Traditionally associated with the Windows operating system, SQL Server is now readily available on the Linux platform. This transformation has unlocked a world of possibilities and ushered in numerous advantages for businesses and organizations alike. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of deploying Microsoft SQL Server on Linux.

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Cost Savings:

One of the standout advantages of running SQL Server on Linux is the potential for substantial cost savings. Linux, being an open-source operating system, can be freely installed and utilized. This eliminates the need for costly Windows Server licenses, resulting in significant financial savings for businesses.


Running SQL Server on Linux ensures compatibility with a diverse array of hardware and cloud platforms. This heightened flexibility empowers businesses to select the infrastructure that aligns best with their needs, whether it’s on-premises servers, public cloud services like AWS or Azure, or even containers and Kubernetes clusters.


Linux is celebrated for its robust security features. By opting to run SQL Server on Linux, organizations can leverage the inherent security mechanisms of the Linux operating system, fortifying data protection and thwarting unauthorized access attempts.


SQL Server on Linux can deliver remarkable performance enhancements. Linux is renowned for its efficiency, and when coupled with SQL Server’s formidable capabilities, it can result in enhanced database performance, accelerated query execution, and heightened scalability.

Ease of Maintenance:

Linux systems are synonymous with stability and reliability. This translates to reduced downtime and simplified maintenance procedures. Moreover, the extensive community of Linux users and developers continually contributes to the platform, ensuring ongoing updates and support.

Open Source Ecosystem:

Linux grants access to a vast open-source ecosystem teeming with tools and utilities that can complement SQL Server deployments. This enables organizations to tailor and optimize their database environments to meet their specific needs.

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

Running SQL Server on Linux facilitates cross-platform compatibility. This means that applications developed on Linux can seamlessly interact with SQL Server, fostering a wider range of development and deployment possibilities.

Licensing Flexibility:

SQL Server on Linux offers more flexible licensing options, permitting organizations to choose between traditional licensing models or contemporary subscription-based models like SQL Server on Azure Arc.

Hybrid Cloud Integration:

For organizations pursuing hybrid cloud strategies, SQL Server on Linux effortlessly integrates with Microsoft Azure services. This synergy provides a seamless bridge between on-premises and cloud-based data solutions.


In summary, opting to run Microsoft SQL Server on Linux brings forth a multitude of benefits, encompassing cost savings, heightened security, enhanced performance, and greater flexibility. This strategic choice not only aligns with the trend towards open-source technologies but also empowers organizations to make informed decisions regarding their database management solutions, tailored to their unique requirements. As SQL Server continues to evolve and adapt to diverse platforms, its presence on Linux is poised to remain a potent catalyst for innovation in the database management landscape.

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